Thursday, May 27, 2010

What's going on here

Sorry for the lack of tuesday updates... I just suck

anyways these doodles don't make any sense... which leads me to ask...

picture 1)
Picture 2)
Picture 3)

what's going on here is a little game I have decided to play with my writer friend Marija (a.k.a. Rish) she's fab and when I get her response (if I get her response) I will be sure to post it up!

Also, feel free to play too... because I'm confused.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Me Tarzan You BIC Pen

been drawing with a BIC pen lately...

not exclusively obviously, but you know...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Celebratory naked girls for being done with the huge pile of work I had:


Friday, May 14, 2010

the saga of the tree

Trying to nail down a look for my (eventual) book...

Let's look at the same tree over and over!

this one is kinda tacky...
These two are much better:
really... I'm having a hard time deciding

oh and here's the original before any work was done:

I used a single round sable brush for most of the work... and came in for some details with a micron... and yes I did use crappy copy paper... how could you tell?

Also going to test out pens with nibs, charcoal, and pencil believe it or not.

Monday, May 10, 2010


Sorry for the complete and utter lack of posts.
It's Finals time... and not just that, I'm also super busy
writing a graphic novel*!

I probably won't be making my official on time posts until
next week :/

Until then read some web comics:

(Don't get worked up I'm still on the outline guys
Although you have seen a bit of the concept art)