Friday, July 17, 2009


Drawing a comic every day is tough... especially because people always want me to leave 
my house and have a life with them.

So yeah, my updating has been... minimal.
sorry =/

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Kevin Story

daily comic project collection 1:

yeah there's mistakes... but whatever, It's practice...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Blogger what!

Blogger hasn't been letting me schedule my posts like normal...

ie, it hasn't done the auto posting... I've had to manually do it the last 3 or so entries...
this is kinda a problem seeing as I depend on that feature so I can upload many entries at once so that I don't have to stress about sticking to my schedule.

at first i thought it just had a time zone change but... apparently not.

That being said, because I'm doing my "Comic-a-Day July" project at my live journal, I'm just going to reprint whatever I post there here on the regular days... to save my sanity.

that's all

More Stuff...

First, more Sasquatch stuff:

and this is a promo from the thing that'll be goin' down on my Live Journal july 1st
(no rules here, they're at my actual LJ)