Friday, May 29, 2009


So, in order, last week's drawing came first, and I really dug what was going on...
and because in my mind every character in every picture I draw has a story, I went searching for their story:

so I actually found that at some point in egyptian history there was Actually a Pharaoh named Djehuty (aka Toth)... so obviously I decided that he wasn't named after the god so much as was seen as a physical embodiment of the god (what he is or is not is never really the point).

but as he grows older and falls in love, he slowly becomes more and more like an Ibis, and eventually he gives up his short reign as Pharaoh because birds do not make effective leaders.

the end... maybe

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I randomly started drawing this akward couple way back in march...
it's sort of a "forbidden love" type of deal

you'll see more of them on friday...

ps. while you're at home reading this, I bet I'm somewhere cool like Manchester or Glasgow
having the time of my life.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Monster Book

I have been working on a lot of monster related projects this year...
can you tell?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


This post is better for those who didn't see it in person...
here's the full monster alphabet*:

*why yes, those are watermarks you see. I'm not generally the type to do that, but this is a marketable project so... watermarks made sense.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Down and Out

during finals I had a stomach virus... and then a week later I had food poisoning
I drew this in my frustration.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

More book action!

So, after i finished the originals for Wild Wild Atlantic I bound them into this book:

I have scans of all the original art so I plan to have that all cleaned up and posted on my website by mid July*.

Also! I'm leaving for England this coming Sunday... 
So, I'm planning on having auto art updates for about the next 3 weeks or so
some of which might be books, and some of which might be sketches , and maybe some random stuff.


*this is assuming that my website is done by then, which it should be.
** also, I must give credit where credit is due, these pictures were taken by the
wonderful Tina Ward

Friday, May 8, 2009

Dive Book

This is a detail and layout of my "Dive" accordion book I made a month or so back:
This is actually an in progress shot, the book was finished with the addition of a crazy horde of jelly fish plus simple front and back covers 

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Just some bird doodles... 

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Truth About Orcas

The Villains of Wild Wild Atlantic (aka the whale comic)
are Orcas... so here are some sketches I did leading up to the actual comic renderings:

Orcas are known, not only for their adorable Sea World routines, but for picking fights with other sea creatures for fun or food...

yeah, they're jerks